My Hair Care Regimen

Let me begin by saying WELCOME again!!

I am SO honored that you have stopped by! My hope is that you gain a little natural hair knowledge each time you are here!

Contrary to popular belief, maintaining natural hair is not easy. It takes a lot of work, time and effort. I started this blog with the sole purpose of providing a central location containing information for women who desire to rock/maintain their natural hair.

Sounds SIMPLE right? Well Yes, it is! Once you find a regimen and do it religiously, just watch your natural, healthy hair grow!

I have spent countless hours researching natural hair maintenance techniques and creating a regimen that works for my hair. Below is an overview of my complete hair care regimen.

As of October 2013, I’m 14 months natural. This is a milestone for me; I have never kept my hair natural for this long. I attribute my hair retention to my weekly hair care regimen.

Routines are typically used to establish structure and stability. This is true in the hair world as well. A hair care routine is extremely vital to maintaining healthy natural hair.

One must first put forth the effort in order to achieve desired results. So if you want luxurious waist length hair, then your effort must equal your desire. You must take the time to nurture your TWA. I am extremely dedicated to my routine and I actually take pride performing it.

Call me crazy, but those wash days actually relax me.

I may mention specific products from time to time, but please keep in mind what works for me may not work for you. It’s all about trial and error!

There are four parts to my regimen:

1. Pre-poo / Hot Oil Treatments {various oils, cheapie conditioner}

To Pre-Poo is to coat the hair with a conditioner and/or oils prior to shampooing in an effort to keep moisture in the hair. Make sure to cover with a plastic cap. This can be done 30-40 minutes before shampooing or overnight.

Hot oil treatments – I apply warm oils (usually mix olive, coconut and jojoba oils) to my hair and scalp and cover with a plastic cap. As with the pre-poo, this can be done 30-40 minutes before shampooing or overnight.

2. Shampoo/Condition {shampoo and conditioner of choice}

I shampoo then condition my hair with my favorite products.

3. Deep Condition( DC) and Detangling {DC, wide tooth comb, Denman brush}

Once I rinse the conditioner out, I apply deep conditioner. I deep condition EVERY week. I like to experiment with conditioners but my favorite is the Organics Africa’s Best Hair Mayonnaise.

After the DC has been on my hair for at least 45 minutes, I begin to detangle using a wide tooth comb and a Denman brush. Note: ALWAYS detangle natural hair when it is wet. Dry detangling can lead to hair breakage.

I detangle in sections then twist each section.  I wash the conditioner out with the twists in.  Since I like to style my hair while still damp, I allow it to air dry for an hour or so before I begin styling.

4. LOC method for Moisturizing and Styling

Yes! We have reached the final step of my weekly hair care regimen. I use the LOC method created by Youtube Vlogger, Black Oynx, to moisturize my freshly washed and conditioned hair.

LOC stands for liquid/leave-in conditioner, oil and cream. My (L) of choice is usually a spray of water and the SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner then apply coconut or jojoba (O) oil followed by a moisturizing cream or hair lotion. My cream(C) of choice is the Palmers Coconut Oil Hair Milk.

Next up is my favorite part of the entire regimen.   Styling!

My favorite style is the twist and curl (two strand twists with perm rods on the ends).

The next day, after the twists are dry, I take the perm rods off, unravel the twists and fluff.

Tip:  Use protective styles (styles that protect hair-ends i.e. Buns, Roll Tuck & Pins etc.) to shield your hair any possible disturbances.

I usually wear my hair in protective styles for about two weeks of each month.

The purpose and benefits of protective hairstyles are to grow healthier, longer hair and to reduce split ends and damage.  Wearing protective styles prevent your ends from being exposed to damaging agents such as clothing, sun, and drying winter weather.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment in the section below or contact me at

~Stay Curly my Friends!~

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